Thursday, January 16, 2014


I just wrote this to a young gal I just prayed for over Facebook:

'If you ever need prayer, loves, or any encouragement - CALL ON ME, IT'S WHAT GOD MADE ME FOR!!!'

And after I hit 'send', I actually got tears in my eyes because I realized, this really is what God made me for. I love it - it gives me passion for life, passion for God, and passion to love. 

I know God has blessed me with SO much and in so many areas (speaking spiritually here, not physically or financially - although there are many there too). 

I had to stop and the first thought that came to my mind was, is this really all for me? And I felt the warmth, the light, and the power of the His words, 'Yes. This is the place I desire all of my children to walk in. Go and share it with the world, let your life be your testimony.'

I am in a 'spiritual high' right now - that's the only way I've ever been able to explain this feeling I get. It reminds me of the high I used to get when using, only this is better, longer lasting, and more powerful than any high I've ever experienced in my life through my physical/natural senses.

Thank you Lord, thank you. 

As I sit here thinking I see some of the gifts He's set before me, gifts I've chosen to chase after with my whole heart and open myself up to for His glory 

being able to feel and see peoples feelings/discernment of spirits, sharing the things I feel and see that are to come/prophesying, sharing God's ultimate love and the encouragement of His promises/teaching, loving people - all people, praying for those who are on my heart so intensely that I can't think of anything else until the pull has been lifted from my heart/intercession, believing for more of God for me, my family, and my friends, holding on to hope in the things God has shown me, promised me, and given me for myself and others, encouraging people with more of God's goodness and His loving truth, wisdom in not just my mind but in my senses and my heart through what God shows me, knowing that I just 'know' some things/godly knowledge, the gift of my spiritual prayer language that can overtake me and embrace me...

I realize God distributes them to each person as he determines, but I feel so blessed to be able to see the touches in my life in these areas and I welcome it!! 

And to know that He blesses these gifts to each person as He wills, but also to all who eagerly desire the greater gifts. ((I love it - I love all of it. There really is no comparison.))

Spiritual Gifts, Unity and Diversity in the Body NLT
Love is Indispensable

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