Thursday, October 30, 2014

Love your enemies, even those who persecute you...

Matthew 5:44-47
But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.

For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?

Love your enemies, even those who persecute you...

Jesus is speaking to me to especially love those who do not love me; they either do not love me by their choice or by circumstance. 

To continue reading:

It is easy to love those who already love us, respect us, and are good to us. It feels good, it's easy, and it's a returned feeling that's given and received. But the real joy comes from loving those who persecute us, who have wronged us, those who choose to disrespect us or cause us harm because that takes commitment, time, energy, and prayer to 'love the unlovely'- but it is also the most rewarding. It allows us to live in a place of peace and rest knowing that God is God and we are His vessels to show our love to those around us regardless of the circumstance. It is by our ultimate actions of love, that others will see that we are truly children of God and the light of Christ lives within us!!

I know this set of verses in my head and feel it in my heart for 'strangers' and those I see struggling; but I WANT to apply this to those who are close to me, close to my heart by means of family, friendships, coworkers, or even acquaintances even when I feel wounded from them. I can see how they are the ones I struggle with in applying this to when I've been wounded by an action, word, or reaction. 

I want this to change, I WANT my first response to be with loving prayer FOR them (not AT them), to be with the utmost compassion, and with pure understanding. Because in truth- it is not them I struggle with, but the powers of darkness and the spirits that bind us in shackles and chains....

I feel it Lord... deep within my heart. Forgive me for not being consistent to fulfill your word and apply your love to ALL of those in my life. I ask you to fill me afresh with Your Spirit, Your Fire, and Your Love, oh God. Help me walk the walk you're preparing me for and the path you've set before me in Jesus name.

Lord, help me to see those who you place in my path through YOUR eyes, and ONLY Your eyes in Jesus name. That I may see the gold within them and the treasures you've stored up within them and FOR them- all for Your glory Lord!!! That your children would come to know you by the love you've resonated within my heart, by the compassion & understanding you've saturated me with, and by my daily walk in my life, in Jesus name...

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