Sunday, October 26, 2014

Be Humble

Matthew 5:3
God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them.

Be Humble
Being humble to know that God is our first and only true source is what opens the gates of heaven for His blessings to overtake us with His provision for us.

It's not about pride, being arrogant, or having our own agenda of accomplishments to feed our inner selves to the point of self-satisfaction. Some people see pride as only being especially proud of a quality or skill, but it also is a
feeling or satisfaction from your own achievements or from qualities/possessions that are widely admired. And arrogance is simply an exaggerated sense of your own importance or abilities...

The truth is, it is only in our humbleness that we fully depend on God as our FIRST and ONLY need. He really is our ONLY true source.

Lord, help me to look to you first in all of my choices, before I speak, before I say yes or no, before I agree to 'do' for someone else- Lord let me find not only my rest in you, but let me find all of my direction from you, simply from our heart to heart discussions and your leading in my heart and my life.

Lord show me any prideful or selfish ways within me through your loving kindness and help me to be mold-able, changeable, and flexible to your calling on and in my life, in Jesus name!!


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